This is an animated film made by Mikhail Rudy based on Kandinsky’s 1928 original theatrical version of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.
In 1928 in Dessau Kandinsky created an Art Total performance based upon Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition in which he combined music, painting and staging. Each one of Kandinsky’s sketches is animated according to his staging indications. Rudy revived this Art Total creation during an exceptional concert.
After its world premiere in Cité de la Musique / Paris in 2010, Mikhail Rudy has played this project on numerous prestigious international scenes including : Musiekgebouw/Amsterdam, Kings Place/London, Milan Auditorium, Guggenheim Museum New York, Svetlanov Hall/Moscow, Philharmonie/Saint Petersburg, Sapienza University/Rome, Teatro de la Maestranza/Sevilla, Sao Paolo Sala/Sao Paolo, Zentrum Paul Klee/Bern, L’Arsenal/Metz, Opera House/Rouen, Maison de la Musique/Nanterre, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Morgan Library/New York, Salle Bourgie/Montreal – and in prestigious international festivals such as : Hong-Kong, Colmar, La Roque d’Anthéron, Mexico, La Chaise-Dieu…
The Pompidou Centre released a DVD of this project, which was projected in their 4 month exhibition Danser sa Vie (Dance through Life).